Austrade have developed a world-leading digital resource to help Australian goods and services businesses to export.
The Trade Information Service, delivered by the Australian Government through, gives Australian businesses a trusted source of information, insights, tools and connections to export successfully. The service brings together data and information from across government and beyond and contains practical guides, tutorials and interactive tools, including:
* An 'Are you ready quiz': The quiz helps businesses to assess their capability, capacity and motivation to export.
* The Market Search Tool: An incredibly powerful tool providing businesses with information on the strongest preforming markets for their specific products and services. The information on markets is supported by Austrade's econometric modelling.
* Laws and Regulations Tool: This tool enables businesses to find the rules, regulations, tariffs and trade agreements relevant to their specific goods and services exports. The Tool includes the laws and regulations for more than 6000 products across 120 markets.
* Find Export Leads: Provides a list of export opportunities currently open for expressions of interest from Australian businesses.
Alanna Cresp from Austrade's Digital Client Services joined ACITI to provide a fantastic rundown on what the TIS is and a demonstration of how it works.
You can watch the webinar here.